Safety in the Snow Tips

  1. Know the snow Responsibility Code.
  2. Get ambulance cover NOW – For Australian residence click HERE or overseas resident click HERE.
  3. Drive snow safe.
  4. Add the resort Ski Patrol number in your phone, just in case you see or have an accident.
  5. Call 000 in an emergency
  6. When out partying, look after your mates, don’t let them walk home alone.

If you get Injured?

On the Hill

Ski Patrol can help you. We are lucky in Australia as this on mountain service is free! 

The resorts pay a limited number of ski patrollers in Australia to provide first aid and transport off the hill for injured guests.  Each resort in Australia has a large number of volunteers that are qualified to make up the numbers to ensure all patrolled areas on the hill are covered.

Each resort has its own ski patrol and contact number. Put their number in your phone. After hours call 000.

Resort Medical Center’s on the hill do not bulk bill, so it will cost you about $60 – $130 a visit, plus x-rays.

On-mountain ski patrol contact numbers

Thredbo 02 6459 4147

Perisher 02 6459 4666

Selwyn Snow Fields 02 6464 9488

Mt Buller 03 5777 7808  

Mt Hotham 03 5759 4038  

Falls Creek 03 5758 3502

 Off-mountain emergency number, call 000

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